Our number one seller! Prepare a Revocable Living Trust, Living Will and Last Will & Testament with this kit, in the privacy of your own home. Save hundreds, even thousands, of dollars in legal fees! This kit includes all the fill-in-the-blank forms, along with easy to understand instructions. Also includes CD software! When finished, you'll have peace of mind knowing you've protected your family completely. Complete Kit $34.95
Complete Estate Planning Kit
A Last Will & Testament, a Revocable Living Trust Agreement, and a Living Will are three of the most important documents most adult Americans should have and understand. This kit includes all the fill-in-the-blank forms to prepare these documents along with complete, easy to understand instructions. When finished, you'll have peace of mind knowing you've protected your family completely.
This kit contains all the fill-in-the-blank documents, instructions, and optional CD software to prepare the following legal matters:
Revocable Living Trust Agreement - You place your assets into the Living Trust Agreement while you're still alive. When you pass away, your assets automatically transfer to your heirs without going through the time consuming and expensive probate court system. You can add to the living trust or revoke it entirely at any time if you wish.
Last Will and Testament - Legal experts agree - a will should be prepared in addition to the Living Trust Agreement. The reason is simple - if you add to your assets (for example, if you open a new mutual fund) and you neglect to add it to your Living Trust, it will "pour over" into the will. It will not be protected from the probate court, but it will still be covered. A will also sets up guardianship for minor children. Without a will, the probate court decides what will happen with the new mutual fund mentioned and also the guardianship of minor children.
Living Will - Decisions can be made now regarding your medical and financial situation should you become incapacitated later. Includes Living Will forms and Durable Power of Attorney forms for both health care and financial care. Prevents being kept alive for months - even years - artificially against your wishes. By limiting treatment, a living will sets limits on hospital bills which can wipe out your assets so that there is little left in your estate for your heirs.
Do I need all three of these documents?
All three work together to satisfy your various legal needs. The Living Trust Agreement allows your assets to transfer directly to your heirs without the time and expense of probate court. The Last Will & Testament covers property not in the Living Trust - without a will the court decides the outcome of those assets. You can also designate who will be the guardian of any minor children with the will. The Living Will allows you to "die with dignity" and protects your estate from being depleted by hospital costs.
Also included as an added BONUS in this kit is a booklet entitled Estate Planner - Things My Family Should Know. You can list all your financial and insurance information in one easy-to-use book. It's a $7.95 retail value - FREE with this kit!
This kit contains all the printed fill-in-the-blank forms & printed instructions along with optional CD-ROM software. This allows you to either use the preprinted forms or prepare on your computer and print. Your choice. GREAT FOR A PERSON THAT IS NOT COMPUTER LITERATE! |